Effective Presentation Skills
1 Day Workshop
For delegates to increase their knowledge, skills and confidence to plan and deliver effective
presentations at work.
Those who have completed this 1 Day workshop can then choose to attend a 1 Day Advanced
Presentation Skills workshop.
- What is a presentation
- Managing Anxiety
- Why do presentations
- Eye contact
- Delivering 2 x 5 min presentations on the course
- Body Language
- Recognising your existing strengths
- Knowing Your Audience
- The key elements of a successful presentation
- Planning & Preparation
- Getting high quality developmental feedback
- Pros and Cons of Using Visual Aids
- Vocal variety—voice volume, pitch and speed
- Handling Questions
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the workshop managers will:
- Have identified their existing presentation skills
- Have had the opportunity to develop these further, and had supportive feedback to do this
- Know how to manage any nervousness and fear of failure
- Understand how body language, vocal variety and eye contact can affect the presentation, and practice what works well
- Understand the importance of knowing their audience and tailor the presentation accordingly
- Understand the importance of effective planning and preparation
- Know how to engage an audience
- Select and use appropriate equipment and techniques to deliver a message
- Have identified a range of options for responding appropriately to questions from the audience